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Before you can start calling the server APIs you need to take care of the following steps first:

  1. Create a free account on
  2. Get an API key from the admin console
  3. Issue API requests

Step 1 - Create a free account on

An account will let you use the Statsig Console, where you can manage all of your Feature Gates and Dynamic Configs. Note that you will be able to invite others to your Statsig Projects, so they can also interact with your gates and configs.

Step 2 - Get an API key from

An API key is required in every API request. There are two different types of API keys:

  • Server-side secret Key which should only be used from a secure server and never shipped on clients.
  • Client-SDK Key which can be embedded inside mobile apps and front-end client web apps.

If you are in doubt, use the Client-SDK key.

Step 3 - Issue API request

Our API is built on top of HTTPS. You can authenticate via header statsig-api-key. All of our APIs use method POST, and you can set parameters by using a JSON object as the request data.

There are just a few primitives that you need to get going on your way. The APIs automatically log exposure whenever you call them and Statsig will use these exposure events to attribute downstream events to compute analytics lift.

Log an event
curl \
--header "statsig-api-key: <YOUR-SDK-KEY>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "STATSIG-CLIENT-TIME: <local_time>" \
--request POST \
--data '{"events": [{"user": { "userID": "42" }, "time": 1616826986211, "eventName": "test_api_event"}]}' \

NOTE: STATSIG-CLIENT-TIME is required to normalize the timestamp for events against our server time. If you don't set this, you may see weird timestamps for client SDKs which can have extremely variable client clocks. Here is an example for how we do it in one of our SDKS.


// json
events: [StatsigEvent];

// StatsigEvent - object
eventName: string;
value: number | string;
time: string; // unix timestamp
user: StatsigUser;
metadata: Record<string, string>;

// StatsigUser - object
userID: string;
email?: string;
ip?: string;
userAgent?: string;
country?: string;
locale?: string;
appVersion?: string;
custom?: Record<
string | number | boolean | Array<string> | undefined
privateAttributes?: Record<
string | number | boolean | Array<string> | undefined
customIDs?: Record<string, string>;
statsigEnvironment: {
tier: string

Response: {"success":true}, status 202

Log an event with custom environment

Useful when you are operating in multiple environments like dev, staging, production.

curl \
--header "statsig-api-key: <YOUR-SDK-KEY>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "STATSIG-CLIENT-TIME: <local_time>" \
--request POST \
--data '{"events": [{"user": { "userID": "42", "statsigEnvironment": {"tier": "staging"} }, "time": 1616826986211, "eventName": "test_api_event"}]}' \

Response: {"success":true}

Check a Feature Gate
curl \
--header "statsig-api-key: <YOUR-SDK-KEY>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"user": { "userID": "42" },"gateName":"<YOUR-GATE-NAME>"}' \
Check multiple Feature Gate(s)
curl \
--header "statsig-api-key: <YOUR-SDK-KEY>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"user": { "userID": "42" },"gateNames":["<YOUR-GATE-NAME-1>", "<YOUR-GATE-NAME-2>"}' \


Get a Dynamic Config value
curl \
--header "statsig-api-key: <YOUR-SDK-KEY>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"user": { "userID": "42" },"configName":"<YOUR-CONFIG-NAME>"}' \

Response: {"name":"YOUR-CONFIG-NAME","value":{"a":1,"b":2},"group":"123","rule_id":"123","group_name":"group123"}

Fetch Experiment Config

Getting an experiment config is similar to fetching a dynamic configuration. The system will automatically log the right exposure based on the name of the config.

curl \
--header "statsig-api-key: <YOUR-SDK-KEY>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"user": { "userID": "42" },"configName":"<YOUR-EXPERIMENT-NAME>"}' \

Response: {"name":"YOUR-EXPERIMENT-NAME","value":{"color":"blue","shape":"circle"},"group":"123","rule_id":"123","group_name":"group123}

Fetch Layer Value

The system will automatically log the right exposure based on the name of the config.

curl \
--header "statsig-api-key: <YOUR-SDK-KEY>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"user": { "userID": "42" },"layerName":"<YOUR-LAYER-NAME>"}' \

Response: {"name":"YOUR-LAYER-NAME","value":{"color":"blue","shape":"circle"},"ruleID":"2OZdhuDfq3w1UIHovUFRBM", "allocatedExperimentName": "a_experiment"}

Log an exposure event

You can log one or more exposure events with this API.

// Experiment Exposure Events
// See for full list of user fields
user: object, // must have a userID or a customID to match with event data.
experimentName: string,
group: string,
ruleID: string,
time?: number | string, // unix timestamp, optional (request time used if not set)

For each exposure object, either the "group" or "ruleID" parameter must be provided. The "group" parameter should match the exact name of the group in your experiment's config. [Test group name

example experiment exposure

curl \
--header "statsig-api-key: <YOUR-SDK-KEY>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"exposures": [{"user": {"userID": "user_id_12345"}, "experimentName": "analytics_only_experiment", "group": "Daily Deals"}]}' \
// Gate Exposure Events
user: object, // must have a userID or a customID to match with event data.
gateName: string,
group: string,
ruleID: string,
passes: boolean,
time?: number | string, // unix timestamp, optional (request time used if not set)

For each exposure object, either the "group" or "ruleID" parameter must be provided. The "group" should match the exact name of your Rule in your gate config. Gate Rule Name

example gate exposure

curl \
--header "statsig-api-key: <YOUR-SDK-KEY>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"exposures": [{"user": {"userID": "user_id_12345"}, "gateName": "saleBanner", "group": "Controls Access", "passes": true}]}' \
Secondary Exposures
// Secondary Exposure Events
gate: string, // Name of holdout, targeting gate, etc.
gateValue: string, // "true" or "false"
ruleID: string,

Secondary exposures are logged alongside other exposure events. These are generally exposures for holdouts or targeting gates. They can be accessed from the SDK-evaluated DynamicConfig.

example experiment exposure with secondary exposures

curl \
--header "statsig-api-key: <YOUR-SDK-KEY>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{
"exposures": [
"user": {
"userID": "user_id_12345"
"gateName": "saleBanner",
"group": "Controls Access",
"passes": true,
"secondaryExposures": [
"gate": "test_holdout",
"gateValue": "true",
"ruleID": "3CQWjvi4HXcHsGIuuffKoe:10.00:2"
}' \