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Statsig in React Native

Note since the @statsig/react-native-bindings works in conjuction with @statsig/react-bindings and @statsig/js-on-device-eval-client, documentation on those packages is also relevant for React Native implementations:


Statsig uses a multi-package strategy, so you will need to install both the Statsig client and the React Native specific bindings.

npm install @statsig/js-client @statsig/react-native-bindings

Peer Dependecies

The @statsig/react-native-bindings package has peer dependencies which will also need to be installed. react-native-mmkv is utilized to allow for synchronous storage, similar to LocalStorage in web environments.

npm install react-native-device-info react-native-mmkv

React Native Specific Setup

The setup for a ReactNative environment is very similar to a plain React environment. The only difference is that you need to use the ReactNative specific StatsigProviderRN. This automatically switches out the storage layer used by the SDK, utilizing react-native-mmkv instead of LocalStorage (which isn't available in RN environments).

import {
} from '@statsig/react-native-bindings';

function Content() {
const gate = useFeatureGate('a_gate');

return <div>Reason: {gate.details.reason}</div>; // Reason: Network or NetworkNotModified

function App() {
const { client, isLoading } = useOnDeviceClientAsyncInit(YOUR_CLIENT_KEY);

if (isLoading) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;

return (
<StatsigProviderRN client={client}>
<Content />

React Hooks

useGateValue or useFeatureGate

import { useGateValue } from '@statsig/react-native-bindings';

const gateValue = useGateValue('a_gate', { user: {userID: "123"}}); // <-- Returns the boolean value
if (gateValue) {
import { useFeatureGate } from '@statsig/react-native-bindings';

const gate = useFeatureGate('a_gate', { user: {userID: "123"}}); // <-- Returns the FeatureGate object
if (gate.value) {


import { useDynamicConfig } from '@statsig/react-native-bindings';

function MyComponent() {
const config = useDynamicConfig('a_config', { user: {userID: "123"}}); // <-- Returns the DynamicConfig object
const bgColor = config.value['bg_color'] as string;

return <View style={{backgroundColor: bgColor}}></View>;


import { useExperiment } from '@statsig/react-native-bindings';

function MyComponent() {
const experiment = useExperiment('an_experiment', { user: {userID: "123"}}); // <-- Returns the Experiment object
const bgColor = experiment.value['bg_color'] as string;

return <View style={{backgroundColor: bgColor}}></View>;


import { useLayer } from '@statsig/react-native-bindings';

function MyComponent() {
const layer = useLayer('a_layer', { user: {userID: "123"}}); // <-- Returns the Layer object
const bgColor = layer.getValue('bg_color') as string;

return <View style={{backgroundColor: bgColor}}></View>;