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Getting All Assignments Instantaneously


Our SDKs are designed to be invoked in your code at the point where you're serving the experiment treatment or feature. For this reason, we recommend leveraging the standard approach of calling getExperiment, checkGate, or getLayer supplying the user object and the key as needed to determine what to serve.

Often times, customers have the desire to capture all assignments (experiment, gates) in a single call on the server for a each user at the start of their session. This practice is commonly done as a means to pass assignment information to the client-side a single time, in order to inform the client app of the test groups and features it should apply.

For this use-case, we recommend using the getClientInitializeResponse server sdk method to generate the full assignments payload. Note that this method is designed to bootstrap the client SDKs, and as such, will hash the experiment and feature keys returned in the payload, obfuscating their names to mitigate the possibility of end-users spoofing into features & gates.